We have compiled some thematically relevant links here:
Foundation Elektro-Altgeräte Register (EAR)
The Foundation Elektro-Altgeräte Register (EAR Foundation) registers the manufacturers of electrical and electronic equipment and coordinates the provision of the collection containers and the collection of the old equipment with the public authority waste disposal companies.
German Association for Information Technology,
Telecommunications and New Media (BITKOM)
BITKOM represents companies in the IT industry, in telecommunication and new media and provides a large network for continuous inter-communication and interaction.
Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (VDE)
The VDE is one of the major European associations for industries and professions in electrical, electronic and information technologies, an international expert platform for science, standardisation and product inspection.
Information Platform in Environmental Protection
(UWS Umweltmanagement GmbH)
A very informative, German-language platform on environmental law
Federal/State Waste Consortium (LAGA)
LAGA is a working committee of the Conference of Environmental Ministers whose mission is to ensure the implementation of waste law in a uniform manner in the different German states ("Länder").
Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Public Health
Comprehensive information from the Bavarian state government on environmental issues.
Saxon Statement Ministry of the Environment and Agriculture
Comprehensive information from the Saxon state government on environmental issues.